Case Study
AmazingGrace.Life came to us with a huge vision...
AmazingGrace.Life founder, Amy Simmons Crafton, called us one afternoon and said, 'I have a an idea, I want to bring Jesus to 10 million people.'
We started asking questions
Questions like, What problem are you solving? Who are you reaching? How do people currently interact with your brand?
We learned there was a book to market the initiative, but not a brand, there was a focus on reaching the parents of our country's youth, but not a platform to reach them. There was a vision but not a strategy.
We reached out to every organization we could find that was doing something similar to what we wanted to do. What we determined is that we are here to raise awareness about HOPE, the HOPE that comes from people bringing HOPE to others in Dallas through the love of Jesus.
So how did we show hope?
We showed hope by sharing stories of people that have been blessed by Amy's ministry. We heard from teachers who were given school supplies, kids that were now fed three meals a day, families that now have power, veterans who were given homes. These stories were shared on social media, on local news, at places like The Hope Center. We wanted to inspire others in the same way, so we started a social media campaign sharing hope.